
Currently only Linux is supported. Package names and install commands are given for Debian/Ubuntu.


  1. Download the jird executable from the github release page.

  2. Make jird executable by running

    $ chmod +x <path_to_jird>

    where <path_to_jird> is the path to the downloaded jird executable.

  3. Install rlwrap and fluidsynth

    $ sudo apt-get install rlwrap fluidsynth

    On Debian and Ubuntu fluidsynth comes set up with a default soundfont. If your distro doesn’t do this, you can add

    export JIRD_SOUNDFONT=<path_to_soundfont>

    to your .bashrc or equivalent, where <path_to_soundfont> is the path to the soundfont you would like to use by default.

  4. Define a shell alias like

    alias jird='rlwrap <path_to_jird>'

    in your .bashrc or equivalent. Here <path_to_jird> is the path to the downloaded jird executable. This alias is to run jird under rlwrap for input editing and history.


To allow using the Surge XT and ZynAddSubFX synths:

  1. Clone the Surge XT repo (for the patch library)

    $ git clone
  2. Install ZynAddSubFX and ALSA utils (for aplaymidi and aplay)

    $ sudo apt-get install zynaddsubfx alsa-utils